"Spiritual Themes in Film" First Fridays events
The "First Fridays" is Debonee's annual series of workshops around the theme of Integrating Spirituality & Psychotherapy. This year, we're exploring "Spiritual Themes in Film".
The "First Fridays" is Debonee's annual series of workshops around the theme of Integrating Spirituality & Psychotherapy. This year, we're exploring "Spiritual Themes in Film".
Sweetness of Connection
Friday, June 1
Friday, June 1
Reviews the use of cinema therapy in practice, including more advances techniques. Refreshes implementation of the tools of Strengths-based Therapy, Existential Therapy, and Mindfulness. Solidifies importance of celebrating individual and family strengths and connection. Uses film clips to show resilience, mindfulness and meaning-making in individual development.
Participants will
Participants will
- Be able to describe more advanced cinema therapy techniques.
- Demonstrate basic understanding of Strengths-Based therapy.
- Demonstrate basic understanding of Existential therapy.
- Demonstrate basic understanding of Mindfulness therapeutic techniques.